Easy Raiders

A smoke and a puff we shared, a tiny screen brimming Hopper’s bike

Raging the crestways shade gaze a mountainous terrain takes

Two nineteen year olds would never see but dream.

We laughed at Nicholson’s smile, youth and belined

By a smile he’d never chase again on a career more

Sociopathic than nuanced, less free by the script.

Fonda was the eye of two guys not always inclined

To bugger and beat, though this was the street

Bohemia and thought walked pierced hats

In darkened clothes shared cloaked and heady.

Joked,smoked and earlopped,  we laughed at the world

Weeded on materials paid and packaged

Devices they stored for batteries battered.

Biscuits covered thirst burst our bubble

Huddling in a wet room, biscuit crums

Led the stairs to more smokes and thoughts

Only friendship makes sense of.

A welding night bestowed outward,

Scribbled torn pages placed inwards,

A road that leads forward we’d travel, no doubt.

A sad day for reparteé when the screen died,

And we bared our paired souls over coffees poured,

With Gatsby and Davis aligned with Queen’s records

Enshrined in our heads for another time and day,

To discuss the morals Dennis Hopper placed on the minds

Two boys of an impressionable age would share.


To a time and a person I’ll always cherish. x 

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